Sponsorship Opportunities
Adopt-A-Trail program for businesses
Your business can contribute in a meaningful way to maintaining the trails in Myra-Bellevue or Okanagan Mountain Provincial Parks or the Myra Canyon Trestles. Sponsors commit to keeping their trail in good condition, including brushing and trail tread repairs. Don’t worry though – you will be well supported if you need help! FOSS’ Trail Maintenance Crew are available to coordinate with you to provide assistance with maintenance and equipment.
Gold Sponsorship
Cost: $375 for a 3-year commitment.
Platinum Sponsorship
In addition to the trail sign plaque, Platinum sponsors received an "appreciation plaque" that you can display in your place of business.
Cost: $500 for a 3-year commitment.
Corporate Platinum Sponsorship
In addition to the trail sign plaque, Platinum sponsors received an "appreciation plaque" that you can display in your place of business.
Cost: $990 for a 3-year commitment.

Adopt-A-Trail Program for individuals or groups
Whether you are an individual, family, organization, club, neighbourhood group, or other – we encourage you to join our Community Adopt-A-Trail Program. Be actively involved in improving the parks’ trail system for all to enjoy, and to give something back to your community. You get to enjoy your time outdoors and have the personal satisfaction of knowing that you are making a difference.
The cost is free but you must be a current FOSS member.
Major Donors & Sponsors
We deeply appreciate the generosity of those who support our efforts to maintain and preserve our natural environment.