April 2023 Newsletter

Check out our latest newsletter to learn about what happened at our AGM and our upcoming plans for this year.. Download it here.

Kelowna’s South Slopes has fierce defenders

J.P. Squire of Kelowna’s The Daily Courier recently wrote an engaging article about FOSS, our history, and our taking over from the Myra Canyon Trestle Restoration Society. See below for an image of the article, or download a PDF version.

Feb 2023 Newsletter

Our latest newsletter is out and contains information about our upcoming AGM. Download it here.

Wild Horse Canyon Trail Upgrade

Wild Horse Canyon Trail (WHC Trail) had been neglected for years and was severely overgrown. With generous funding from PACE (Rene Unser) and the commitment from our FOSS Trail Maintenance crew, we decided to take on 17K of upgrade from Lakeshore Rd to Good Creek/Commando Bay. In Fall 2021, a proof-of-concept 4 day aggressive treatment of the trail was done, …

Lost Lake Trail Upgrade

In 2021, FOSS applied for, and received, a grant for $10,000 from The Central Okanagan Foundation to upgrade Lost Lake Trail. The trail was overgrown, suffered from significant erosion, and had ongoing water issues. First, the trail was cleared and brushed to better define the trail itself. Approximately 4.5K of the trail was regraded by excavator to allow water to …

Bridge Relocation, Priest Creek

In 2017, 2 bridges in Priest Creek Linear Park became nonfunctional when the creek relocated during extensive flooding in the area. The bridges were high quality, backcountry bridges with 10 inch steel I-beam construction and were located in a cedar forest with 100 foot canopy. FOSS was contracted by BC Parks to relocate these bridges and work commenced in Spring …